DigiCert Code Signing

Manufacturer Digicert

Salesprice with discount
CHF 449,00
Tax amount
Validity Period

Confidence to trust your code
The DigiCert Code Signing certificate protects your company, cunsomers, brand, and intellectual property. It makes your applications identifiable and harder to false or damage. This digital signature is certified by the most trusted security brand on the Internet.

For one of the following purposes (only one per certificate allowed):

  • Microsoft® Office VBA: Digitally sign Microsoft VBA Macros for Microsoft Office:

  • Adobe® AIR®: Digitally sign .air or .airi files for use in Adobe AIR.

  • Microsoft® Authenticode® (Multi-Purpose): Digitally sign .exe, .cab, .dll, .ocx, .msi, .xpi, and .xap files (32-bit and 64-bit user-mode) and kernel-mode software.

  • Sun Java®: .jar files for desktop and midlet mobile Java platforms.

  • Macromedia® Shockwave®: files created with Macromedia Director 8 Shockwave Studio.

GlobalProtec LLC was founded in April 2013. Today it is the main Swiss broker for SSL certificates, digital signatures and identities.

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