Organization Validation SSL

Organization Validation SSL Certificates

With an Organization Validation (OV) SSL certificate the identity of the company running a website is confirmed and displayed in the certificate by the Certificate Authority. For the issuing of an OV SSL certificate your company will be verified based on various external sources. The Certificate Authority (CA) then not only confirms that the organization is definitely the owner of the website, but also verifies the actual existence and authorizations for this organization. It usually takes 2 to 5 business days to issue an OV certificate. The additional verification steps make OV SSL certificates more expensive than DV SSL Certificates.

OV SSL certificates are ideal for applications, where not only a secure connection is needed, but also where trust in the owner of the service is important. Common applications for this type of certificates are e-commerce websites and applications with customer login.

Note: All prices are purely net and exclusive of the legally-required value added tax (VAT).

Validity Period
Validity Period
Validity Period
Validity Period
Validity Period
Validity Period
Validity Period

GlobalProtec LLC was founded in April 2013. Today it is the main Swiss broker for SSL certificates, digital signatures and identities.

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