

SwissSign is a high quality certificate provider from Switzerland. Founded in 2001 and headquartered in Glattbrugg/Zurich, SwissSign offers qualified certificates according to Swiss Digital Signature law ZertES, trustworthy Standard SSL, Wildcard SSL (Dv, OV), UCC/SAN SSL and EV SSL certificates, E-mail certificates, as well as Managed PKI solutions for companies.

As a leading security specialist, SwissSign combines complex security technologies with simple application: identification and authentication of people or organisations, the possibility of a legally binding commitment (valid signature) and secure transmission.

Every certificate of this vendor is supported by all important browsers, includes unlimited server licenses and encrypts data up to 256-bit using minimum 2048-bit key length.

SwissSign’s offer responds to international the standards ETSI, ISO 27001, Extended Validation, and Swiss Digital Signature law ZertES and allows legally compliant electronic archiving (GeBüV) and invoicing (ElDI-V) in Switzerland.

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